Happy Hanukkah

It’s a Hanukkah themed mini puzzle! I came across this little puzz at the Dartmouth Value Village and thought this was so unique. I really haven’t come across too many Hanukkah puzzles in the past.

I recently saw a few contemporary puzzles at a stationary shop, but to find this little one in the wild was too cool. It looks vintage to me, based off of the colours in this image, but who could really say, there’s no actual date on the box. The company that made it, is called Shulsinger Judaica, they seem to be a store in New York that sells Jewish wares, maybe some food too?

I do not personally celebrate Hanukkah, but I do remember going to a few Hanukkah parties at friend’s houses in my teens.


It was a pretty fun time and I remember learning more about the customs, that’s the most I can remember 🙂

48 pieces and complete. Happy Hanukkah to those that celebrate 🙂

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