Mini Plants

I can’t find names for these little puzzles, but there is a cactus and a monstera plant (I think that’s what they’re called?)

The brand of these is Perfectly Puzzling and I’ve seen these often at thrift stores. I thought because I saw them so often that maybe that would mean that they weren’t the best quality. I thought that these were pretty cute out of all the options I’d seen to date, so I thought I’d give them a chance!

I just really like to assemble shaped puzzles, they feel a bit more special somehow, it’s fun to mix things up sometimes. 🙂

These little puzzles were 100 pieces each, and I didn’t have any issues with quality or anything like that. They just reminded me a lot of Galison, and especially my Andy Warhol Banana mini puzzle.

I’m not necessarily going to jump to get more if I see them, but if I find another cute one I may pick it up.

I do wish we could have some nice big tropical plants at home, but the cats are a bit ruthless with plants, especially in bigger planters. Alomar will dig in the soil and they’re both chewers. It’s a shame, but I guess that now I have these puzzles (and I love the kitties to bits, of course!)

As you can see, both of these little puzzles are complete!

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