Ballerinas in Pink

We are on a pink theme here! Well, the reason for that is, I took part in a puzzle along over the Valentine’s week, it was a “pretty in pink” puzzle along.

I actually didn’t have all that many puzzles with pink themes, I had Pixel Perfect, which is a stretch, as it is more peach than pink, but I chose to ignore that.

But, Joe and I were thrifting the weekend before the puzzle along, and what did I find but this glowy “Ballerinas in Pink” puzzle. Also from Springbok in 1992.

I took my very first ballet class in 1991, and then of course that unfolded into dancing all throughout my teens, and then professionally for 17 years.

I can tell you right now, that dance does not at all resemble what we see in this picture. I used to absolutely loathe these types of ballet photographs. They gave the “girly, princess” reputation to dancers, which was something I never felt.

Even though I did a lot of classical ballet, and danced on pointe, learned variations and duets, I never agreed with the dainty, romantic view.

Instead, dancing made me feel, strong, empowered, and independent. And that is something we see a little more today in dance, which makes me proud to see how far the art has come.

(Dance still has a ways to go, in terms of stereotypes, and bodies, and emotional well being, but I do recognise the leaps taken. Pun intended!)

Not even tying her ribbons, ha ha ha! This is too funny.

I find I’m at a place now, that I’m able to lightheartedly look at an image like this, and just appreciate it for its kitsch and nothing else.

500 pieces, from Springbok, 1992 and complete.

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