Inseparable Friends

I love to see the bonds between animals. It’s so easy to tag personalities and emotions onto animals, we do it a lot. But in my opinion, you can tell when there are strong connections between animals.

We have a blue jay nest right outside of our window this spring, so far we’ve only seen mum sitting in the nest, keeping her eggs warm. But hopefully soon we see some weirdo looking little birdies, hungry for the grubs and dependent on their parents.

I just love all of these “Inseparable Friends” here, snuggling into each other, all hanging out on the same branch. This is a classic 240 piece F.X. Schmid puzzle, with no date on the box, just a line that says made in West Germany.

This might suggest that this puzzle predates 1990, which is pretty cool. It definitely from the same time period as this throwback – Collie and Kitten. (Another classic, in my humble opinion).

You can see above, that someone named Carolyn owned this puzzle. Normally I try my best to remove all the tape and generic sticky stuff and grime from my vintage puzzles but I think I’ll keep this little tag on the box. It’s part of this puzzle’s history!

240 pieces and complete.

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