Moonlight Lodge

This little puzz didn’t have a name that I could find on the box, but when I looked on this company’s website, it says Moonlight Lodge. Which now that I think about it, makes total sense, if you look closely in the picture you’ll see our cosy little cabin says Moonlight Lodge!

I found this little wooden puzzle at the thrift store, the brand seems suspicious. I think that they are available on Amazon and may be a rip off of Unidragon Puzzles. On the site, everything is listed as 80% off, so when you look up this puzz in the small size, it “used” to be $121 but apparently now you can buy it for $24. when I found this puzzle at the thrift store about 6 months ago, they were closing out, and here we are today and they are still closing out!

How do we feel about that? I did a little searching and there are articles saying that Quordle Puzzles is a scam. Well, joke’s on them because I got it for $2.99 at the thrift store!

So, let’s look at the pros – for a mini wooden puzzle there were a ton of special shaped pieces. The puzzle offered a nice level of difficulty, the pieces were in great condition and the image was quite clear.

And now, the cons – there is zero information on the box or their website about the artwork source. That’s my biggest issue, does this mean that this is “inspired” by another artist’s work? I will say that this picture reminds me an awful lot of the style of Abraham Hunter for instance, I’m sure you’ll see the parallels when you revisit this puzzle, Summer Night.

I don’t want to jump to conclusions, because I haven’t researched this company properly. But I do know that this is a common occurrence in the puzzle world. There are so many knock off companies that create similar products to loved and trusted brands out there.

And that friends, is why I enjoy thrifting. This was still factory sealed and essentially brand new. So I was able to try the brand out for myself but I didn’t purchase from Amazon, which I can proudly say that I have never shopped on or supported.

What do you think about crediting the artist’s work? Is it important to you?

I personally feel that it goes a long way, we support artists and their craft, we can learn more about these artists and their body of work, and hopefully giving the credit to the artist is an indication that they were compensated fairly for their hard work being displayed on a puzzle for our enjoyment. After all, isn’t the draw of a puzzle about 80% – 90% because we think the picture is beautiful or will be super fun to assemble?

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